From Camera to Social Media in Real-time: Shooting Springboard 2019
Organiser goals for photos/videos shot at events and conferences are fast evolving with the advent and growth of social media. Organizers are increasingly desirous of engaging with a larger audience beyond the auditorium while the event is ongoing. The result is that now more than ever the turnover time for delivering photos/videos have been shortened: and if you want to offer value as a media company, then you should be able to deliver in real-time! We have been developing capacity and processes to meet such a demand and it was beautiful to see it all work out at our recent assignment shooting the Springboard Roadshow.

This is our third year collaborating with the Team at Legacy & Legacy and this year was one of the most seamless collaboration. The collaboration worked well ultimately because of the competence of the team on both sides and the innovative processes that took advantage of available technology.
The original plan was to have shooters deliver photos to

On the day we set up an editor station with good WiFi (provided by Mtn! You should check out their turbonet offer: you’ll love it! ) . The editor had three jobs: download photos from card to storage drive, edit photos, and upload edited photos to a shared cloud storage. This obviously is not so fast a process unless the shooter is really good and gets most of the shots well framed and right in-camera and then also that the editor is quick at identifying great photos and editing them for sharing. Fortunately as a team we have both and so the task was accomplished at remarkable speed.

The social media team on the client side accessed the cloud folder and did an amazing job of merging photos with quotable quotes from speakers and then sharing them on social media.
Visually Empowered Posts By Influencers
Even more exciting, we chanced upon a beautiful review of the event by Mabel Simpson with photos from us. She was able to share her visually empowered review and it is great to see how being able to do what we did magnifies the experience for those who couldn’t be there.

The future of conference coverage is here and we are glad to say we are ready.
Want this for your upcoming event?
We are definitely pumped up to do this for another event and so if you have a conference or event coming up and need this kind of service
Follow this link here and shoot us a request!
We currently can do this for both video and photos.
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