Your Event Photographers and Videographers of Choice
Our event coverage approach is guided by your creative brief and event agenda. We visually document your event focusing on key actors and important brand elements to present them in the most impacting light. We are particularly committed to selling the idea of success as required by your event agenda: our final work highlights important moments and interactions and becomes a goldmine of content for marketing and PR.
Our events coverage pricing is built on an hourly charge model with add-on services. Kindly check our event rates documented in our Corporate Rate Card: this should help you plan and budget without the need to contact us. For a more event-specific quote fill the form below and provide details about your event. We will send you a quote. The price provided includes post-production.
Next Day Delivery
Understandably not everyone has the luxury of waiting for our turnaround time. For such clients, we offer an optional service of next day turnaround. This service is available with advanced notice and an agreement of the number of images and length of video you can expect. We will have our post-production team on-site to work their magic so your photos and videos will be ready for press and PR.
Live Social Sharing/ Live Streaming
Sharing images across social media channels on the same day is a great way to create buzz around the event or conference as it unfolds. This results in lots more followers, tweets and retweets from motivated delegates and the wider social network raising even more awareness of your event and brand. We offer this service as an addon: we have a well-coordinated team and the appropriate technology that enables us to visually connect your audience to the conference in real-time.